Nucs for 2025 - May - June
Nucs for 2025 - May - June
Nucs will be available for pick up mid May - early June (weather dependent). Order early - first paid, first served! :-)
These 4 frame Nucs come with 10,000 bees and a mated, marked queen. This year the mark is Blue.
All nucs must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable. Pick up date will be emailed to you in advance. For any questions, call 519-465-3378.
We have an option to get your nuc in a wood box which you can return for a $10 refund or keep as a swarm trap. As most of the plastic boxes go into the garbage we wanted to offer a more eco option.
*Note for when you pick up your bees
- transport is the responsibility of the new happy owner of the bees
- you may want to bring your protective clothing
- it's best to pick them up when it is still cool (morning), or 15 minutes before dark. (night transport is the best)
- the optimal transport is the back of a pickup, although bees can be transported by car at your own risk
- it is up to you as the new owner of the bees to decide how best to move your bees
- for car transport you may wish to bring a sheet or netting to cover the bees
- we are not responsible for bees that get over heated once they leave our care
- all bees sold are in need of larger living quarters right away. Nucs will need to be installed into waiting 10 frame equipment.
- many recommend feeding nucs especially if they are being installed on un-drawn (new) foundation (Get your sugar syrup ready!).
**We do not ship bees. Pick up in Wellesley only.